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Where to find professional help.

Inpatient Programs
Outpatient Programs / Counseling
Information for Medical Professionals
Removing/Reducing Scars

Inpatient Programs

Country codes are given in parentheses after the program names. Some providers of inpatient programs also have outpatient programs.

Outpatient Programs / Counseling


Information for Medical Professionals

Removing/Reducing Scars

The American Society for Dermatologic Surgery has a referral and information hotline: 800-441-2737. In some cases plastic surgery can fade or erase scars.

If you have tried any of the products in the listing below, please let me know if they work or not; I would like to include notes on how effective the products are.


Peggi writes:

FYI: In the state of New Hampshire The Mental Health Center of Greater Manchester has a large DBT program that offers help to those who would like to learn alternative coping strategies outside of SI. Their site is at