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Copyright, Joni

I want everyoneto know there is hope. I was aself mutilater for about 5 years. At first it started out as miner scrathes. I would lock myself in the bathroom at home, in schoolanywhere. My survival kit as I called it included a purse full of razor blades and a cigerette lighter. My parents eventually found out. They claimed it was for attention. I could not seem to make anyone understand. Everyone at school thought I was a freak. I wore long sleeved shirts all year round. I was in the locker room changing and someone seen my arms. I felt so ashamed. I stopped attending school.My life went downhill shortly after that.I had to go to e.r.for stiches numerous amounts of times until finally my family and doctors gave up on me and put me in a state run institution.Afterabout4 years in and out I finally got out. I have been out of the hospital for about 3 years now.I havent cut myself in about4.I still go to therepy and have learned some great coping skills.I am no longer ashamed of the scars on my arms.In some strange way they saved my life.