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Copyright, T'Lene

I started cutting about 3 or 4 months ago... i had just lost my best friend due to suicide and i wasnt taking it well at all! i became really really depressed and kinda lost myself. i was known as the happy wild girl that will do anything but that all changed. i began to lose sleep and just stopped caring then i found out that my boyfriend of 2 years had just tried to commit suicide and was in the hospital... about to die. and i mean none of these people were the "outcasts" at school... my boyfriend has been the best runner in the state for the past 4 years and i was homecoming queen. this just tore me to peices so i cut they werent big at first just little cuts with a razor they healed and it seemed a thing of the past but i was wrong i just lost control one night i felt like there was nothing i could do so i went into my bathroom and began to cut with a razor i did it and then took some very sharp sissors and busted that open i began to bleed badly and i was forced to wear longsleeves for the next 2 weeks... then my parents found out and that was the end of it i have scars that will be there for the rest of my life and a big story behind each one.